Tuesday, June 29, 2010



Sunday, June 27, 2010

i miss u all~

My holiday almost 2 month..I miss everything in university..I miss my course mate and room mate..
They are my room mate~Lilian and Zoey~Miss to hang out with them very much~

 My uni best buddy~Soon Way and Brandon......

And a lot of nice friends in my university~I miss them very much~



我想要分享如何让你的男人更加去疼爱你,当然找到对的人自然 可以让感情更加升温。


2)即使不每天见面也要每天保持联络。每天谈天或短讯使必要 的。


4)要给他空间和朋友一起,女人要大方接受男人和其他女生来 往,只要他尊重你就行了,不做出过份的行为就行了~

5)男生是个喜欢新鲜感的动物。当在一起日子久了,自然而 然就会闷 。要如何保持感情的温度,女生就要好好利用自己的魅力去吸 引自己男人的目光。例如:偶尔在他面前打扮有些性感钓他胃 口~

6)避免不必要的吃醋,如果真的吃醋也要大方利用温柔的语气 告诉他。男人最受不了女人糊思乱想和闹脾气

7)如果他真的犯错了,让他知道你为何生气,让他知道你生气 是因为你爱他

8)时时刻刻让他知道在你心中他是最重要的,因为这样可以让 彼此互相信任

9)避免唠叨。男人最受不了女人的唠唠叨叨,只要让他知道重 点就行。

10)你不想他做的,你就应该避免去做。例如:你不喜欢他 喝酒,你就应该做个榜样不喝酒。这样一来当他违背了你不 喜欢他做的事,你都有借口去和他理论。这样赢得比率会比较高

11)有哪个男人不爱温柔体贴的女人?对他温柔就可以减少 他在外寻找野花的机率。有时为他下厨烧饭,为他打扫也是种体 贴的举动

12)让他知道你每天都在等待他回家。当一个男人在外打拚 后,最想的就是一回到家就有你温柔的服侍他。即使他在外也会 想到快点回家见你~

13)让他感觉你的付出。男人是个迟钝的动物,有时让他们 知道你为他做的事,这样才会让他觉得你为他付出真的很多。

14)让他感觉到别人羡慕他有你那么棒的女友。尽量和他朋友 打好关系,他的朋友可以让你的男人更加去疼惜你

15)床上取悦他~你的床上功夫是如何让你男友只要你而不要 其他野花的关键。

16)世上没有一个男人不喜欢女人的调戏和引诱。女人需要 花点功夫在自己男人身上,找出他所爱的主角戏,那你就能让你 的男人的心完全在你掌控之中。

17)世上只有懒女人没有丑女人。女人应该多打扮自己,让 自己活得有自信和魅力。有哪个男生不喜欢牵着美丽的女生 走街?让他刮目相看,走在街上都会让许多人羡慕着他。

18)男人都爱面子。在他朋友面前尽量让他有面子,做下小 女人也不是一件坏事。只要他在你面前不是个大男人,那你在他 朋友面前卸下你的女人面具也是值得的。

19)保留自己。男生是个不可以太宠的动物,有时也要让他 们试下被拒绝的滋味。太过宠男人只会让他们变本加厉,太 容易得到的东西,男人是不会珍惜的。有时要让他们知道要得到 一样东西是要付出努力去争取。

20)最后,别轻易说分手。当男人犯错,应该让他有解释的 机会,如果他不珍惜你而犯错一次又一次,那你就和他分手 吧~别去珍惜一个不懂得珍惜你的人,因为还有其他人一直找机 会去珍惜你~

虽然说不是每件事那么轻易做到,但是只要有恒心去经营这段感 情,你得到的一定会很多~



Monday, June 21, 2010

i have nothing if i don have you~

It is a song from Whitney Houston....
I love this song because it express everything about my feeling to my belove~

Share my life, take me for what I am
Cause I’ll never change all my colours for you
Take my love, I’ll never ask for too much
Just all that you are and everything that you do
I don’t really need to look very much further
I don’t want to have to go where you don’t follow
I won’t hold it back again, this passion inside
Can’t run from myself
There’s nowhere to hide
(Your love I’ll remember forever)
Don’t make me close one more door
I don’t wanna hurt anymore
Stay in my arms if you dare
Or must I imagine you there
Don’t walk away from me...
I have nothing, nothing, nothing
If I don’t have you, you
you ,you, you
If I don’t have you
You see through, right to the heart of me
You break down my walls with the strength of you love
I never knew love like I’ve known it with you
Will a memory survive, one I can hold on to
P.S: for my beloved puppy~

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

cute things~guess what is it?

I found a cute things when i walked in 1 Utama shopping Mall last week. It look like a button...but it has another function....GUESS WHAT IS IT?

It look like normal button that we normally use to sew our shirt.............But actually it is...........
Do you guess correctly? It is  RING~
Another thing is it only cost me RM1 for each....cute and cheap accessories......xp

Monday, June 14, 2010

Piccadilly Restaurant~

It located at PJ Section 14, Dataran Millennium. If you know how to go digital mall at PJ or Jaya 33, i think you sure will know how to go Piccadilly because it located around there. I don't know Piccadilly until i have a great chance to work in this restaurant as a tobacco customer engager.
It is a nice restaurant. Nice environment and good service. Honestly, i fall in love with this restaurant after i work at here for few days. The workers there almost half are foreigner, they mostly came from Myanmar. Some of worker came from Sabah or Sarawak. One of the reason i love this place because the workers here very friendly to me. I love to chat with them.

I feel surprise when i look at Piccadilly menu because it has more than 200 choice of food let you to choose. Sometime i feel a bit dizzy when i look at the menu. As i know Piccadilly , Bangkok Masala and OK 24 mini market manage under same company and same boss. Bangkok Masala is a Thai restaurant and it located beside Piccadilly restaurant. 

Another reason i recommence this restaurant is the price is reasonable and affordable. The food not really expensive if you compare to other western style restaurant.

If you are 21 century young men or ladies, you should not don't know this gathering and famous place to have dinner or a cup of drink. This is a nice and suitable place to go especially in this World Cup season~ ^.^