Wednesday, October 20, 2010




上了中六的那年,他拼命读书,每个月和爸爸妈妈拿补习费和零用钱,妈妈总是很困难的从钱包掏出钱来。他知道他们很辛苦,辛苦的节俭让哥哥和他读书。最终,他在中六考上了全班第一名,全级第4 名。这时候的他刚考到车牌,但是他的命运不比哥哥好,因为父母告诉他,他们没能力买车给他,而家里的车太大辆也不能让他驾。只有哥哥的车,但是哥哥需要用到车去学院。从小,哥哥要的东西永远都是第一个拿到的,而他则永远用着哥哥不要的。

中六毕业后, 他就开始在外打工,为了就是不再和爸爸妈妈拿钱,用自己的双手赚钱。把那些赚回来的钱买自己要的东西,在那时候开始他告诉自己是时候开始独立了。

上了大学的那年, 他离开了家住进宿舍。和家人的关系也不那么好,虽然有时会回家,但是一个人还是躲进房间里做着自己的东西。有时,他会在想如果父母亲从小不是特别偏袒哥哥,可能一家人的关系不会那么疏远。有时他不想回家,因为家里缺乏了那些温暖。

有时他会在想父母亲很光荣因为他们的儿女都是大学生,但在他心里他们是失败的父母亲。很多时候,别人会羡慕着他家庭,虽然不是富有的家庭,只是小康之家,但是家家有本难念的经。现在的他长大了, 这些感觉从小到现在已经麻木了。 家,已经不是那个他想要的家了。


他不讨厌妈妈,因为妈妈和爸爸有时也会疼他,虽然不比哥哥多。 他的成长并不是很完美,因为家里的因数,他碰到很多瓶颈。在感情上遇过很多创伤,在那伤痕累累的泪痕里,他成功的培养出自信和他认为他自己什么困难都可以克服。


Friday, October 1, 2010

Island of God: BALI

Bali island is located west of Java, Indonesia. It is a famous island in Asia Pacific with world class surfing and diving, unique cultural, beautiful seaside and enormous range of the accommodation. Bali island is an ideal vacation for honeymoon or back pack trip. It is one of the island won the international travel award in Asia. 
It is a very nice place to relax your mind. I love island because it is only the place can allow me to forget everything and enjoy my holiday maximally. What so special for BALI ISLAND???

 Sunset-  You can spend time on black and white beach to get a relax.
 Body Massage and Spa-You definitely cannot miss out to try the traditional body spa when you come to Bali Island. It is a good idea to have a body massage and spa to relax yourself.

 Since Bali Island known as the world class surfing and diving center, you definitely cannot miss to join this activities. Bali is an ideal place for scuba diving and snorkeling.

 accommodation: It is depending on your financial status whether you choose to live in high class villa or budget hotel. No matter where you live in, the most important is comfortable. I love to live in villa where I can enjoy the beautiful view after wake up or else I can straight jump into the swimming pool when open the balcony door. ^.^

 Majority of the local people are adherence to Balinese Hinduism, formed as a combination of existing local belief Hindu influence from mainland Southeast Asia and South Asia. Therefore, there has several Hindu temple .One of the popular temple worth to visit is Seven Seaside Temples.

Balinese and Indonesian are a widely spoken language in Bali. As the Bali Island become a famous Island in the world, English is become a third language to communicate in Bali. Moreover, English become a primary foreign language which widely spoken between the business people and tourist. 

Nightlife in Bali- The life in Bali become totally different during the night time. You can experience the nightlife in Bali especially at Sanur and Kuta. It has a lot of karaoke, bars, clubs, nightclubs and discos let you to discover it in the island at night.